HEIDENHAIN is represented in more than 50 countries today, mostly by wholly owned subsidiaries. Sales engineers and service technicians support the user on-site with technical information and servicing.
The high quality of standard of HEIDENHAIN is documented through certification in the ISO 9001 quality systems model and by authorization as German Calibration Service (DKD) inspection station for units of length and angle. Long product service life and recyclable designs on the one hand and careful use of resources and optimized energy consumption on the other are preconditions for the Environmental Declaration in compliance with ISO 14001.
The high quality of HEIDENHAIN products depends on special production facilities and measuring equipment. Masters and submasters for scale manufacturing are produced in a clean-room building, with special measures for temperature stabilization and vibration insulation, built especially for this purpose. The copying machines and the machines required for the manufacture and measurement of linear and circular graduations are also developed and built by HEIDENHAIN.
Here is what HEIDENHAIN stands for today The TNC control with its conversational programming has become a standard for tool and die making in Europe.
HEIDENHAIN offers a complete program of absolute and incremental rotary encoders, linear and angular and rotary encoders.
Approx. 10 million rotary and angle encoders,
Over 5 million linear encoders,
550 000 position displays,
and nearly 225 000 TNC controls